Tire Rotation

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23733 Woodward Avenue, Pleasant Ridge, Michigan 48069

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Professional Tire Rotation Services

Our comprehensive Tire Rotation ensures your vehicle remains in peak condition.

Tire rotation is a crucial maintenance service that optimizes tire lifespan and ensures even tread wear. Our tire rotation service involves repositioning your vehicle’s tires, promoting balanced wear patterns, and extending their overall durability. This affordable and quick service not only enhances safety and handling but also contributes to improved fuel efficiency, making it a smart investment in your vehicle’s performance and longevity.

Benefits of Regular Tire Rotation

Here are some key benefits:

Extended Tire Lifespan: Regular tire rotation promotes even tread wear, extending the overall lifespan of your tires and maximizing their performance.

Improved Fuel Efficiency: By maintaining balanced tread wear, tire rotation enhances fuel efficiency, ensuring that your vehicle operates at its optimal level and reducing the overall cost of ownership.

Enhanced Safety and Handling: Balanced tread wear contributes to consistent traction and better handling, improving overall vehicle stability and safety, especially during challenging road conditions.

Tire Maintenance Tips

Ensure optimal tire performance with a simple maintenance tip:

Regularly check and maintain proper tire pressure.

Proper inflation not only extends tire lifespan but also improves fuel efficiency and enhances overall vehicle safety.

Make it a routine to inspect and adjust tire pressure according to your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations.

Pricing Information

Standard Tire Rotation


Rotation of all four tires

Premium Tire Rotation and Balance


Rotation of all four tires, Wheel balancing for a smoother ride

Lifetime Tire Rotation Package


Unlimited tire rotations for the life of your tires, Available for a one-time fee

Maximize Tire Longevity with Clear Tire Rotation Pricing Information at Pleasant Ridge Oil Change and Repair!